2016 Deutschsprachiges Symposium über ätherische Öle

17. bis 24. Oktober, 2016

Free access to this presentation closed on October 25, 2016.

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Öle in der Energiearbeit

Eva Haderer

Eva Haderer

Dipl. Prana Energie Therapeutin

Verheiratet, dreifache Mama und arbeite seit 2012 mit den Produkten von Young Living. Meine Vision ist, Menschen mit Hilfe der Prana Energie Therapie und Young Living ein Leben in Freiheit auf jeder Ebene zu ermöglichen!

Opinions expressed on this presentation are solely those of the speaker and do not express the views or opinions of Young Living or BioCode Academy. Neither Young Living nor BioCode Academy are responsible for, or make any representations or warranties regarding, the content or its accuracy. Each participant should independently verify the explanations and opinions presented, consulting with medical and legal professionals where applicable. Neither Young Living nor BioCode Academy shall be liable for any harm resulting from, or in connection with, reliance on any such content.