2017 Global Online Essential Oils Symposium

May 21-27, 2017

Free access to this presentation closed on May 25, 2017.

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Psychology of Success

Dr. Marcella Vonn Harting

Can your mind lead to business success?

Dr. Marcella Vonn Harting

Royal Crown Diamond

As a Young Living member of 25 years, Marcella has a deep love for this business. She is currently owns one of the largest Young Living organization, and her entire family shares in the career and lifestyle. "Being an entrepreneur runs in the family." Marcella explains. "We work where we choose and how we choose."

Her passion for learning is shown in her PhDs in Integrated Health and Psychoneurology. "I could be in school my whole life." She says. That passion carries over into everything she does, as seen in her email signature, "live with passion."

Not only has she enjoyed achieving dreams and goals through Young Living, but is now motivated most by helping others to do the same. "I believe in people before they believe in themselves." She says. "Serving others lights me up."

Marcella goes on to share that her happiness is a choice and a reflection of her life. "I don't know how you could be where I am in this company and not be happy." She says. "I wake up in the morning and know I'm making a difference. If God took me today, I would have no regrets in my life."

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