2018 Deutschsprachiges Symposium über ätherische Öle

8. bis 14. April, 2018

Free access to this presentation closed on April 12, 2018.

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Rohkostdiät und Öle

Elke Wollschon

Elke Wollschon

Nutritional Consultant

My own 30-year search to cure myself from life-threatening asthma has taken me to explore many different body-mind-spirit methods and I received certifications as an NLP trainer, various coaching and personal growth modalities, as well as a nutritional consultant. I started out as a Biolab technician, but my true vocation to guide others on their path to a healthier and more fulfilling life let me change career a few times, before Young Living came into my life. The discovery of Young Living and our potent oils and products gave my life the crucial impulse to unite all I've learned and bring this into the world. I love the variety that Young Living and this business brings and the opportunities to invite everyone’s talents. I discovered raw food and how it very positively affects the health of my clients many years ago. The vitality oils have added a very powerful and fascinating dimension to it, that I will continue to explore.

If you like to get in touch with me, please email me: [email protected]

Opinions expressed on this presentation are solely those of the speaker and do not express the views or opinions of Young Living or BioCode Academy. Neither Young Living nor BioCode Academy are responsible for, or make any representations or warranties regarding, the content or its accuracy. Each participant should independently verify the explanations and opinions presented, consulting with medical and legal professionals where applicable. Neither Young Living nor BioCode Academy shall be liable for any harm resulting from, or in connection with, reliance on any such content.