2019 Global Online Essential Oils Symposium

May 25-31, 2019

Free access to this presentation closed on May 27, 2019.

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Feelings Kit

Sera Johnson

Royal Crown Diamond Sera Johnson walks through the Feelings Kit oils and their uses.

Sera Johnson

Royal Crown Diamond

Sera Johnson’s Young Living journey began in 2006 when she prayed for God to reveal His plan and tools for her family’s abundant health. Upon receiving an email from a nutritionist regarding family wellness, she discovered Young Living Essential Oils. After exploring the Young Living Website and seeing pictures of founder Gary Young on tractors while working at the Young Living Farms, she knew in her heart that these essential oils were special and were going to change their lives. Once Sera received her Starter Kit and saw the Young Living Essential Oils working in her family’s health, a desire to help and empower others ignited. As soon as she learned what the Bible said about essential oils, many of her passions united, and she became unstoppable in her “Why’s” for sharing Young Living with the world. Along with her phenomenal team, Sera loves to encourage others to focus on their own unique Young Living journey through loving the products by using them consistently and persistently to achieve personal wellness goals, sharing with passion and purpose, and dreaming big as they discover abundance!

Together, Sera and her husband Darren balance running the business with homeschooling their four children. Filled with gratitude for God’s abundant provision through Young Living, their family loves living out their dreams of traveling the world, pursuing their God-given passions, supporting ministries and blessing others.

Opinions expressed on this presentation are solely those of the speaker and do not express the views or opinions of Young Living or BioCode Academy. Neither Young Living nor BioCode Academy are responsible for, or make any representations or warranties regarding, the content or its accuracy. Each participant should independently verify the explanations and opinions presented, consulting with medical and legal professionals where applicable. Neither Young Living nor BioCode Academy shall be liable for any harm resulting from, or in connection with, reliance on any such content.