2019 Global Online Essential Oils Symposium

May 25-31, 2019

Free access to this presentation closed on May 26, 2019.

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From Bellies to Babies

Lucy Libido

Lucy Libido and Betsy Bosom chat about the best oils for pregnancy and babies.

Lucy Libido

Best-Selling Author

Lucy was born when one woman decided to host a Valentine’s Day class to teach women how to use essential oils between the sheets. She got a brave group of women together, and they all used oils in the bedroom for several months. They agreed to share honest and vulnerable details with each other. These juicy results were divulged in Lucy’s Valentine’s Day Class “There’s an Oil for THAT”. News of the online class spread like wildfire. Thousands of women around the globe assembled to learn how to rekindle their relationships. The outcome was heartwarming and tear-jerking. Lucy received message after message about how the class had finally helped women get over their emotional and physical blocks. For some, it was a defining point or saving grace in their marriages. Not long after, Lucy published the class into a book and it flew through the roof to become Amazon’s #1 aromatherapy book when it was released and continues to be in the top 10 aromatherapy books of all time.

Lucy travels and speaks on using oil for relationships. Her events are hilarious and well attended. Woman the world over are buzzing about Lucy with their friends. She runs a women’s Facebook group: Lucy Libido Says…There’s An Oil For THAT that has grown to over 125,000 members. When you discover something this good, you’re going to want to share. Friends don’t keep Lucy a secret. <3

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