2020 Global Online Essential Oils Symposium

April 24-30, 2020

Free access to this presentation closed on April 25, 2020.

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Believe Young Living

Kay Hare

Kay Hare


I paint imaginary dream landscapes in oil on linen. Recently I have been introduced to the world of Young Living essential oils and now incorporate their essence into my work. The oils resonate with my paintings as some of them mirror the titles which are based on positive, good feeling words. Mixing the essential oils with oil paint balances and harmonizes the atmosphere while I am painting and directly influences my mood. I find the essential oils amplify the ethereal aspect of the images while also allowing an awareness of the present moment. The essential oils perfume the paintings with the belief that nature always provides. It's not just a dream; I feel as if I am working harmoniously alongside natural energy that reassures and evokes good feelings that translate into the colors and images of the paintings.

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