2021 Global Online Essential Oils Symposium

September 18-23, 2021

Free access to this presentation closed on September 20, 2021.

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Goal Mapping Intro

Brian Mayne

To continue your Goal Mapping journey, Brian invites you to visit his website:


(note: The URL is case-sensitive.)

Brian Mayne

International Speaker & Author

While Brian is now an inspiring international speaker and author, he was born into a travelling fairground family, and further to a nomadic childhood he left school early with no qualifications and unable to read or write.

When Brian’s family business failed during the UK recession of the late 1980s, he lost what seemed like everything: his income, his home and his marriage. He was 29 years old, £1 million in debt and still relatively unable to read or write. It was at this seemingly low point that Brian discovered the keys to success: that you can change your life by changing your thoughts and feelings about it.

Using simple but powerful techniques, Brian learned to hold positive thoughts by setting goals, and through those goals he gradually transformed both himself and his life. Brian is now an international speaker on human potential, and has empowered hundreds of thousands of people with his unique systems for success.

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