2018 Global Online Essential Oils Symposium

May 25-31, 2018

Free access to this presentation closed on May 30, 2018.

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Marketing Funnel for your Young Living Business

Vivian Wan

Vivian Wan, a RCD from Hong Kong, discusses visualizing the buyer's journey from prospect, to conversion, and beyond

Vivian Wan

Royal Crown Diamond

After joining the Young Living family in late February 2014, Vivian Wan became the fastest growing Asian Royal Crown Diamond leader in history. She was able to reach Young Living’s top leadership level within 21 months—an incredible pace!

Although Vivian had no direct selling experience before, she quickly found her WHY and passion in developing leaders in Young Living. In Oct 2014, she established Kaleidodrops, a team in Young Living which she sees as important as her own family and she is willing to help them 200%. Shortly after she made it to RCD, her husband Alan joined her to develop Young Living business together. Right now, they are actively building teams in Hong Kong & Asia.

Throughout the past years, Vivian has been traveling around to help Young Living to speak in different countries. She enjoys sharing team building experiences and she sees it as her lifelong career.

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