2021 Global Online Essential Oils Symposium
September 18-23, 2021
Free access to this presentation closed on September 22, 2021.
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Colors and Essential Oil Blends
Sarah Steele

Sarah Steele
YL Platinum & Full Spectrum Educator
Sarah was the wife to the late Jacob Adamo, who is best known for teaching the colors using his two books Full Spectrum Success and Full Spectrum Freedom. She is a home-school Mama to 7 amazing children, affectionately referred to as "The Magnificent 7". 5 of which were delivered by Jacob and born at home. Sarah is a Platinum in Young Living and is passionate about sharing hope with others through education, communication, and lifestyle. One of her favorite mottos is “When you know better, you can do better." She has shared her story of hope through tragedy across the country and is working on the third book in the series: Full Spectrum Family. She and her children currently live in East Tennessee.
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